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At Thomas Keble School, we are an inclusive main-stream school which means equal opportunities for all learners. We have no more or less SEND provision than any other main stream school, and our general principle is to support learners to access our curriculum. However, very occasionally we may feel that we are unable to meet the needs of an individual child particularly if in offering them a place, we would compromise the educational provision for other children in our care.

We recognise that high quality teaching, differentiated for individual students, is the first step in responding to students who have or may have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). However, we recognise that at some point some students also require additional support and intervention.

What special educational needs and disabilities are provided for at Thomas Keble?

Students at Thomas Keble have a range of difficulties including Communication and Interaction; Cognition and Learning; Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties and Physical and Medical needs.

How does our school know/identify that children have special educational needs or disability?

Information regarding students with SEND is gathered through close liaison with parent/carers, all feeder Primary schools, visits by the Head of Year 7 and the SENCo before they arrive in Year 7. We make use of the following tests, where our SENCo deems it beneficial:

  • Suffolk reading comprehension, WRAT4 single word spelling and Cognitive Ability Tests (CAT).
  • Wide Range Achievement Test 4 (WRAT 4) – reading, reading comprehension, spelling and number skills .
  • CTOPP 2 Comprehensive test of phonological processing
  • Allcock speed of handwriting, word processing speed
  • Dyslexia screener (digital online version)
  • Coloured overlay screening (we strongly advise that formal assessments take place at an optometrists)
  • DASH (Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting)
  • Lucid Exact (Screening for word recognition, reading comprehension and spelling)

Students who receive intervention are tested a minimum of three times per year. Parents are kept informed of any significant changes or movement. Whole school student progress is monitored in line with our Assessment and Recording Policy. Students who receive additional support are placed on our SEND register, which is accessible to all staff. Identification of difficulties and strategies to support individual students, as well as acknowledgement of successes are recorded on the student passports. This information is discussed and reviewed with parents, carers and students. Passports are updated three times per year and shared with all staff.

Our teachers have high expectations of all students, including those with SEND. All teachers will be told about your child’s individual needs and will adapt their lessons to meet these requirements. This may involve using different strategies and more practical adaptations of resources and activities. We have a range of staff to support students and address any additional needs they may have, including students with SEND. This includes the SENCo, Assistant SENCo, Teaching Assistants (TAs) and pastoral support workers. Resources are allocated based on evidence of need and effectiveness. Students with an EHC Plan have resources allocated as outlined in their Plan. Support at Thomas Keble could include:

  • In-class support from a TA.
  • Small extracted teaching groups for English and Mathematics led by the Learning Support teachers and Teaching Assistants (TAs).
  • Ruth Miskins’ phonic based complete literacy programme, ‘Read, Write, Inc.’ for all students in Years 7-8 with an identified need in Literacy. Some may continue to follow a phonics based programme or an alternative programme in Year 9. The programme is delivered by the Read, Write, Inc. manager supported by two teaching assistants. All are Read, Write, Inc. trained.
  • Intervention groups for dyslexia, spelling, reading, handwriting/touch typing and social skills.
  • 1:1 tuition for literacy (toe by toe, apples and pears, Word Wasp/Hornet and Language for Thinking, Somerset Thinking Skills) mathematics and social emotional support (including emotion regulation).
  • Differentiated PE curriculum to support students with identified medical and physical difficulties.
  • Specialist ICT equipment e.g. netbooks, enlarged keyboards.

At Key Stage 4 students may be currently offered the alternative option choices of Level 1 CoPE (Employability), ASDAN, and Horticulture, alongside Entry Level qualifications in English, Mathematics, Science, History and Geography and a Short Course in Catering. When your child is approaching the start of KS4, if we think it is needed, we will assess and apply for Examination Access Arrangements, according to the Joint Council for Qualification (JCQ) exam regulations. If they meet the criteria, they may be permitted a reader (or computer reader), scribe, rest breaks, prompt, additional time, the use of a word processor or coloured examination papers. Please see the EAA exams policy for further information. Students with a sensory or physical need, that meets the criteria within JCQ regulations, may also access a live speaker, oral language modifier, a practical assistant or papers with an enlarged format or Braille.