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Exam results

Our curriculum is designed to help students build a broad and deep understanding of the subjects they study. Students make progress if they are secure in what they have been taught and can apply this knowledge flexibly. What they learn now will help them access what they will be taught in the future.  We systematically assess whether students retain what they have been taught through rigorous summative assessments. In between these points, teachers use a diverse and appropriate range of formative assessment methods to check students’ understanding and retention. This helps teachers be responsive in their teaching.

Department for education (DfE) published outcomes are available via the link below.

The first table below shows the progress students made in the 3 years preceding the COVID pandemic, with the majority in the top 20% nationally (Q1 boxes to the right) and green denoting significantly above national. There was no published data for 2020 or 2021.

The Department for Education (DfE) have advised schools that the following note should be added: “Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.”

The table below shows DfE published progress data (2024 is provisional):

  2019 2020–21 2022 2023 2024
Progress 8 +0.38 Covid +0.21 +0.18 +0.23
English + Maths at 4+ 78% Covid 72% 66% 72%
English + Maths at 5+ 55% Covid 46% 48% 46%


Our student progress places Thomas Keble in the top third of schools nationally.

English and Maths progress at Grade 4 and above places Thomas Keble in the top 5% nationally.